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The restoration of the village La Garde-Guerin |
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Around 1912. Mr. Nodet, architect of Historical Monuments in Montpellier, discovers La Garde-Guerin and sends the first official report to the Administration of Fine Arts in Paris: it is a fortified village that deserves rehabilitation.
On November 30, 1929. The decree classifying the entire village of La Garde-Guerin as a site, the keep, the castle, and the church of St. Michael as historical monuments, is published.
In 1935. The Department of Fine Arts undertakes major repairs to the church and the castle: restoration of the church. In the crypt, under the choir, bones are found - perhaps those of noble consuls of La Garde - which Abbot Negron has transported to the parish cemetery.
In 1965. Rene Schmitt, architect of the Buildings of France in Lozere, concerned about the state of deterioration and depopulation of this village, decides to contact his Ministry and sends a report to the Directorate of Architecture in Paris. In October, he invites a dozen personalities from the department (local elected officials, representatives of administrations, etc.) to a meeting held in Villefort on November 14, 1965. At the end of this meeting, it is decided to create an Association for the Preservation of La Garde-Guerin.
In 1970. As part of the 101 measures for the environment decided by the government of the time, La Garde-Guerin becomes a pilot village. And under the impetus of Michel Denieul, Director of Architecture, who came on site, the restoration and enhancement of the village is organized with the financial and simultaneous support of three Ministries: Cultural Affairs, Agriculture, and Equipment. The EDF, PTT, SAFER, and the Intercommunal Syndicate also intervened for the operations concerning them.
The Association for the Preservation of La Garde-Guerin, created on May 18, 1967, having from the beginning proceeded with a prospective study on the architectural and economic future of this village (survey of parcels, contacts with all the owners, information about the project, market study for a future inn, etc.), supported Mr. Schmitt, responsible for coordinating the financial plan as well as directing the works to be undertaken. These works are of all kinds and take into account both architectural interest and economic and tourist interest.
Architectural domain
- Clearing and restoring a large part of the ramparts.
- Repairing roofs.
- Paving the streets.
- Underground network connected to each house for the arrival of electricity, telephone, and television, which allows the village to retain its medieval character.
- The church is also subject to restorations on an architectural and cultural level: disappearance of the exterior staircase, revision of the roof, removal of the 19th-century gallery, disassembly of the marble altar, and placement of this altar in the crypt, installation of a new altar.
Economic domain
Maintenance of pastoral life with:
- the construction of a sheepfold outside the integrated village site.
- the extension of the water network.
- the preservation of the purin channel now underground.
Tourist domain
Transformation of the Pansier house into a Hotel-Inn, thus creating a center of activity in the village. The Presbytery has housed, since 1969, the Association of "Pariers de La Garde," which brings together high school students and Parisian students coming during the holidays, with their chaplain, Father Alain de La Morandais. They participate in the renovation of the presbytery, excavations, and restoration of the underground rooms of the castle. They ensure the reception of visitors in the village, as well as liturgical and cultural activities for ten years.
In 1979. The Association for the Preservation of La Garde-Guerin, considering its action to be largely completed, is dissolved, but its administrators wish to see the torch taken up by the inhabitants of the village.
November 1981. The GARDE Association, Group for the Improvement, Renovation, Development, and Maintenance of La Garde-Guerin, is created. It publishes several brochures on the history of the village and participates over the years in the financing of some works in the village:
- Repair of a stained glass window in the church.
- Contribution to the purchase of benches for the church.
- Installation of benches in the village.
- Installation of access barriers to the keep.
- Installation of a few trash cans with wooden covers.
- Purchase of fire hoses.
- Cleaning of the village (weeding at the beginning of summer).
- Planting rose bushes near the tower and putting potted flowers in the streets in summer.
- Taking care of some activities in summer.
Since 1983. Alain Laurans, documentalist at the Archives of Mende, conducts exploratory digs in the lordly residence of the castle: clearing of fill (17th-20th centuries), analysis of the layer of destruction under which the black layer, the last trace of the fire of 1722, appears, restoration of the partition wall and the enclosing wall.
In 1988. In agreement with Mr. Verrot, architect of the Buildings of France in Mende and with Mr. Le Maire of Prevenceres, the GARDE Association decides to carry out restoration and protection works for the architectural heritage and environment of La Garde-Guerin over several years. These works are financed by the Buildings of France, the municipality of Prevenceres, the GARDE Association (for the first tranche), the Department, and the region.
Summer 1989. Closure of the northern breach of the rampart that threatened to collapse.
Summer 1989. The Buildings of France and the municipality of Prevenceres take charge of repairing the presbytery's framework and roofing in Lauzes. They also financed works carried out at the village school in autumn 1989 and spring 1990: development of a multipurpose room on the ground floor for the village inhabitants, and a gîte on the upper floors.
Summer 1990. Resumption of the rampart to the right of the main entrance of the village, over a length of 50 meters.
Winter 1990-1991. Resumption of the interior facing of the northern rampart. The first two phases of work allowed the restoration of the portion of the rampart that was most damaged and to restore their continuity on the village side. Other works are planned, restoration works and public utility works.
The various brochures published on La Garde-Guerin by the GARDE Association.
- History of Villefort and its canton. Alain Laurans, Jean-Louis Maurin, 1990. Ed. Syndicat d'Initiative Cantonal de Villefort.
- The path of Regordane. Marcel Girault, 1988. Ed. Lacour/colporteur, Nîmes.
- This very harsh Gevaudan. Volume I, II. Felix Buffiere, 1985. Ed. Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de la Lozere.
- Etymological dictionary of place names in France. A. Dauzat, Ch. Rostaing, 1984.
- Images of heritage. Canton of Villefort, 1389. Ministry of Culture and Communication. General inventory of monuments and artistic heritage of France. Languedoc region.
- The statutes of the Community of the Lords Pariers of La Garde-Guerin in Gevaudan (1238-1313). Ch. Poree, 1907. Excerpt from the Library of the School of Charters, Paris.
- Romanesque Roads. La Garde de Dieu. Ed. Zodiaque, 1986.
- The castle in medieval France. Gabriel Fournier, 1978. Ed. Aubier.
- The Middle Ages. Georges Duby. History of France. Hachette.
- The civilization of medieval Western civilization. Jacques Le Goff.
We would particularly like to thank Abbot Pierre Peyre, Conservator of the Museum of Mende, and Abbot Jean Roux, parish priest of Vialas, both passionate about Regional History, who helped us to realize this pamphlet.
The G.A.R.D.E Association (Group for the Improvement, Renovation, Development, and Maintenance of La Garde-Guerin) brings together good-willed people, residents or visitors of this village. Together with the Buildings of France, municipal and regional officials, they have undertaken, over several years, a program for the restoration and maintenance of the village. This pamphlet is intended to make the history of La Garde-Guerin known. It will also allow the Association to take its share in financing the upcoming works. If you would like to support us in this approach and be regularly informed of our activities, please send your membership application to the G.A.R.D.E Association, La Garde-Guerin, 48800 Villefort.
Former holiday hotel with a garden along the Allier, L'Etoile Guest House is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche, and the Cevennes in the mountains of Southern France. At the crossroads of GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson Path, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane Way, GR®470 Allier River springs and gorges, GRP® Cevenol, Ardechoise Mountains, Margeride. Numerous loop trails for hiking and one-day biking excursions. Ideal for a relaxing and hiking getaway.