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Hiking on the Aubrac Plateau |
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«In Aubrac, you feel the air.
Never have I felt such a sense of being surrounded by air elsewhere.
I don't know: it's the site, no doubt, its long bare pastures, and not a tree,
barely a curious basalt hedgehog from time to time:
bands of mountains and bands of cows roaming without a dog
between endless strings of gray stones;
That's it, and above all, it's this crystal,
this raw taste of wind, bitter herbs, snowmelt, a taste of space...
Yes, its clarity, its solitude... and its paved rivers where the icy water of
trout runs over hexagons of basalt...
Hard to say... But Aubrac! Ah! Aubrac! ...» Henri Pourrat
"A unique land shared
between Aveyron, Cantal, and Lozère that meet at the Cross of the Three Bishops, Aubrac is a granite plateau situated between 1000 and 1400 meters
in altitude. A land of silence and space shaped by the mysterious powers of the elements, Aubrac fascinates souls when the gaze loses itself.
It is through the effort of our footsteps that one immerses oneself in its infinite character, discovering its moors, its flora among the richest in
Europe, its forests where, at the beginning of autumn, the strange rutting of the stag reverberates, its streams with lakes and waterfalls, its
granite and basalt stones. A harsh land, it creates strong bonds with people that reflect its image.
The Romans, the Pilgrims of Saint James of Compostela, the monks, the farmers and
their herds in summer have marked its heritage (burons, villages, Romanesque churches, bridges...) and its history without being able to take away its wild nature.
A land of mystery with an unfathomable heart, walking towards it, one finds oneself deep within. This hiking journey invites you to discover it..."
This small text heralding our journey in an associative journal also masked the objective of fostering love for a region that I particularly appreciate since my heart is tied to it by childhood. The choice of wandering responds to this desire for immersion. It meets the wish that the participants deeply soak in the soul of this land, what is fundamentally indescribable and touches each person differently, while discovering the most characteristic facets listed above.
This season seemed to me to correspond to the vision I wanted to convey; autumn indeed gives contrasting tones to the elements, both to the vegetation and to the changing skies. It is the time of the rut of the deer, the beasts in pasture are still there, Aubrac is inhabited but not by summer tourists in cars! A small number of participants also shared this desire, as well as a certain effort to earn what nourishes the eyes and the spirit.
Organization: 9
adults, most of whom did not know each other beforehand, walked with me
for these 6 days. We went from shelter to shelter carrying all our
belongings but hosted on a half-board basis, averaging 24 kilometers
of distance and 400 meters of elevation gain per day. A small meeting to get
acquainted took place ten days before departure with a local aperitif,
documents with photos, and a stag antler found in the forests of
Aubrac to already dream of its encounter.
After presenting the itinerary, the stages, the possibilities of
replenishment, and the recommended equipment, the participants organized
themselves for transportation, and the meeting was set for Monday, October 1st at Laguiole
at the old fairground at 9:30 a.m.
First stage: From Laguiole to Saint-Chély
this first day, we meet at the feet of the Bull, a magnificent
bronze specimen erected by the sculptor Guyot in 1947 in this place that
used to welcome the Aubrac breed cattle before the existence of the new fairground.
While some recover from three hours on the road over a coffee, as
we finish our bags, check our equipment, and pose for the departure photograph,
it is an opportunity to evoke Laguiole. I cannot transcribe here everything
that will be discussed during this journey; it would require a long
separate writing.
At the moment of leaving this town and approaching Aubrac, let’s just note that it is about its geographical location on the edge of the summer grazing area, its agriculture centered around beef and dairy cattle, with the dairy that resumed after the buronnier the production of Laguiole cheese and fresh tome for aligot, fouace, the history of the famous Laguiole knife that is still found in the pockets of the great Parisian bistro owners, the migration of the bougnats to Paris and the relationship maintained with the Capital, the past of Laguiole, etymologically "La Glesiola", a small church originally depending on a neighboring parish, its basalt and granite houses, what sustains its thousand inhabitants today... Thus, we leave, a bit late, it must be said since it is 10:40 a.m. We reach quickly above the town where we admire the solid slate roofs dominated by the church. The latter is called "The Fort" both for its location and the past of this construction site.
we walk between walls and cows in the open space, and we ascend,
heavily loaded! The path leads us to a small road to a last
isolated farm, but from where we see the modern landmark of the great chef
Michel Bras, one of the greatest chefs in France, a lover of
Aubrac whom he puts on plates. We
approach closely to a true Aubrac, a bull in flesh and muscle whose
massive dark build tinted in black evokes the bison; he is in beautiful
feminine company with fawn robes and eyes made up with a black mascara border.
The rusticity of the breed and its great maternal qualities have saved this
cow which almost at one point was supplanted by more profitable dairy breeds. Its meat
even now deserves the designation of "Fleur d'Aubrac" and we will see as we walk that
it has reconquered its land across the summer pastures.
A drover's path will experience the rhythm of our steps for a while. These ancient and wide transhumance routes are indeed present here and there since time immemorial, as humans very early led their herds to the freshness of summer. This is an opportunity to address the human past of Aubrac, the sparse forests, the harsh climate yet crossed by drovers, Roman roads, and the Compostela path (GR®65). We mention the founding of the Aubrac monastery, the accelerated clearing of the primitive forest cover, and we arrive at the Croix du Pal where we will enter the forest for a few hours.
The essential tree here is the beech; if it is stunted on the heights, sculpted by its
struggle with the elements, the state forest that we will traverse this first day descends on the boraldes and the more sheltered slopes leading south towards the Lot. The beeches there are large, majestic, and
begin to glow with autumn colors. The cleared undergrowth is inhabited, and
we encounter multiple deer tracks, a boar's way as well,
providing opportunities for detailed observation of tracks, and photography by Jean-Michel
equipped for our pleasure with a digital camera where we can follow our
evolution in real-time.
Already, two does have furtively crossed our path. During the lunch break, the roar of the stag echoes in the middle of the day, what a chance! We will see traces everywhere and glimpse another two does and further on two again, with a stag, fleeting encounters. Does he have three or four tines? He moved too quickly. In any case, throughout this path in the forest, we will feel surrounded; it is true that we are in a very sensitive area classified as a "quiet zone" by the ONF from September 15th to October 15th. Every year, deer can easily be seen along the edge of the restricted area and this time we cross through the heart; via the marked path, this is indeed allowed, I have checked, and we are as discreet as possible to respect this strange company; it is at least auditory, sometimes visual, always a nearly enchanting presence.
Our path
lies in the depths of a shadowy underbrush from where it rarely emerges. It
then offers a vision of infinity over grassy spaces dotted with cows or
the landscapes with contrasting lights of the Lot valley and beyond, further
than Rodez. I vainly search for the belfry of the cathedral which sometimes can
be guessed, but today, a milky air masks it; and we shut ourselves in
the woods. It is not surprising that men have found refuge here; a
Lorraine cross attests to it at the Enguilhens cave, a small natural shelter that
crosses our way; a maquis was here during the last war and nearly
two centuries ago a refractory priest had found refuge there.
We will also take an interest in the different forest species encountered in the beech forest: spruce and Douglas fir plantations, rowans in the clearing of our lunch accompanied by two oaks and a maple lost here I do not know how. Finally, we emerge into the sunlight for the descent towards Saint-Chély D'Aubrac and its boralde; this is how they name the streams descending from the plateau into the Lot (Lot which gave the country of Olt). The grass is greener, more regular due to the mowings, the fields cut by walls or fences, the village of Belveze glimpsed down below the departmental road that we cross, brings us far from the summer pastures and the forest to a more frequented world. And we descend to find the gentler slopes where men could settle, which they could cultivate in the valley. Two snakes too swift to identify flee beneath our feet while our eyes discover this new landscape.
is dominated by the neck of Belveze; observation allows us to discover
volcanic rock formations and a field of volcanic stones from where I
mention some notions about the geological formation of Aubrac. First, the
sediments around the primitive continent have given, through deep metamorphosis,
the Hercynian basement of origin with schists, micaschists, and gneiss
whose fusion and slow cooling have resulted in a large granite batholith, the
collapse along a fault corresponding to the Lot was responsible for the
erosion of this granitic massif, the disturbances linked to the Alpine uplift
were followed by a volcanic phase visible here, from -10 to -6 million
years ago especially with lava effusion along a north-west/south-east line
where the highest Aubrac summits are located and also an eruptive or explosive activity
from where the projection of bombs and the formation of necks.
On the one that now dominates us remain the vestiges of a construction whose function I ignore as well as an old man met in the village to whom I ask the question. He is more inclined to talk about the desertification of the place where only one operator remains compared to ten in the past; he indicates to us the source allied, according to him, of the 90 years that the couple of the neighboring house reached before the existence of the water service; unfortunately, this day an unpleasant smell of fuel oil impregnates it to our taste; he hasn't had to drink it in a long time! The hikers also take an interest in his activity; he trims ash trees for the beasts. The descent resumes along the old path leading to Saint-Chély. It is now only a path guarded by two walls that the vegetation surpasses, a path once essential for the village that is now used only by a few hikers but which still leads to the shelter and the cover! Along the way, we admire a beautiful old building in schist, a stone often found here at the approach of the Lot valley. We have changed countries and geological eras by changing altitudes. Oaks and ashes are the main species here.
A shelter welcomes us on this first evening. We have joined the path of Saint James of Compostela coming from Puy-en-Velay. Our journey through space leads us to go back in time. Here, as for more than a thousand years, obeying certainly different motivations and in certainly different conditions, but always in search and at the strength of legs, pilgrims open us to another dimension. Since meals are not assured, a restaurant awaits us.
The majority
take the opportunity to taste local flavors: gentian or a cocktail made from
chestnut liqueur and white wine from Entraygues for an aperitif, quiche with
Roquefort - Aveyron style! Tripoux, Laguiole cheese, pérail, blueberry and
raspberry tarts accompanied by red wine from Entraygues (A person from Aveyron
in our group has already familiarized us with Marcillac wine at noon)
will be among the menu items. Then a digestive walk is mandatory through the dark and
deserted streets of Saint-Chély-D'Aubrac. Inscriptions on facades and old
shop fronts testify to a once-active commercial life. The
washhouse, some half-timbered houses, and the 15th-century church also reflect this, and
even the massive barred windows on the ground floor of the building where our
eyelids will soon close after the 22 kilometers covered, the encounters along the
600 meters of accumulated climbs and descents.
The next day, rising around 7 a.m., after a communal preparation of breakfast, the departure takes place symbolically at the pilgrims' bridge, but in the direction of ascent, unlike them! Construction work on the old small bridge does not prevent us from admiring the historical cross with Saint James armed with his staff and the shell watching over those who pass here from the stone where it is engraved. Basalt stone walls lead us up a path along the left bank first, then the right bank of the river until we reach Aubrac.
We come across a few isolated farms before reaching the high pastures. We will admire their massive granite and basalt structures covered with thick tiles on a solid oak framework. The roof is steep, made to shed snow; the living house perpendicular to the barn-stable allows direct passage from the stable to the kitchen and warmth to be communicated; hatches allow direct passage of hay stored above the animals in their troughs, access to the upper floor for bringing in hay is done at ground level from behind in summer because one entire side of the buildings is partially buried; thus, the kitchen has its cellar directly in the ground. The very thick walls protect against the cold in winter and the heat in summer. The very functional overall structure was still in use until about thirty years ago, before the large farms needed more space for equipment and herds, while the smaller ones disappeared with the demographic decline.
And here
we are in sight of the Aubrac monastery founded by a noble Fleming in the 12th century
to welcome the pilgrims of Compostela in this harsh and unsafe area. The
remaining buildings today give a small idea of its importance.
This monastery-hospital had considerable influence from the 13th to the 17th century,
extending through its dependencies far away (L'Isle-En-Dodon, for example). Monks,
nurses, and knights ensured a religious, hospital, and regulatory role. We
invoke this past by visiting the church, a bit pressed for time as
an aligot awaits us in the mountains in a buron. "Aligot"
might come from "aliquod" which in Latin means "something", the pilgrims
crossing Aubrac by the current GR®65 asked the monks for something to eat; before
the arrival of potatoes, the base would have been cheese and bread.
The buron or mazuc is linked to transhumance. Its operation is evoked, the ascent and descent of the herds on May 23 and October 13, the organization of life in these small buildings that scatter across the mountain, their architecture, their disappearance. Here is one of the last functioning ones; the cantalès still directs the production of fourme and tome with the help of two young people and passing travelers can enjoy an aligot prepared on-site if they bring cutlery, bread, drinks, and side dishes. Off-season, we are the only customers at this hour; we are slightly late for our reservation and the atmosphere is a bit tense; the owner is stern and is explaining in patois on the phone that our presence disturbs him.
I take the opportunity to tell him that there are among us people from Aveyron; some have completely understood his remarks, and he asks from where, we discover that we have mutual acquaintances, and an animated discussion ensues among all. He tells us about his beginnings as a roul at the age of 11; he was once the handyman of the buron, the pastre being in charge of the herd and the bédelier with the calves and the milking. He climbed the ranks between summer grazing and winters as a bougnat in Paris.
In this place, we go back in time; the aligot is
heated on a hearth at the same level as the ground, the chickens are at the door, the
floor is packed earth, the drainers, the press, the molds, and all the cheese-making
equipment scattered in the single room where the cellar opens on the side of the wall
sunk into the bank. Even the hierarchy that reigns
there is from another age. The aligot gains a special flavor there, especially since our
legs have well earned it! And it moves well from the pot to the plates and from
the plates to our taste buds. While the master of the place prepares to deliver
the pig he has raised during the season with the leftover whey from the cheese-making in a shed
next to the buron, we set off again. It
takes us among the herds of Aubrac cows in rounded expanses that merge with the sky
to the horizon. There are peat bogs and lakes.
These vast horizons are the result of
low erosion for 4 million years at the end of the Tertiary period, and during
the Quaternary glaciations, the presence of a vast ice cap. It
disappeared around -15,000 to -10,000 years, carving deep
valleys in the southern part of Aubrac and leaving deposits, lakes, and erratic blocks in
wide valleys.
Thus, depressions welcome the peat bogs, reservoirs of
water and organic materials where a flora of exceptional richness survives
in Europe (including the carnivorous sundew). But we will not penetrate these
spongy soils. More easily admired are the lakes of Souveyrols and Salhiens, and we will
evoke without seeing the mythical past of Saint
Andréol. Their color under the blue sky dotted with gray clouds and the
reddish hues of the beech woods dazzle our eyes; the wind sends us... Perhaps
the users of the Roman road whose path we sometimes follow were also
enchanted, like those who saw in these waters a mystical work and
created a pagan cult around them?
A small detour to the Deroc waterfall where the
water leaps over basalt organs allows for another perspective before
reaching the evening stage. The stay there is more luxurious, but the welcome is
more commercial than the previous night in a charmingly renovated gîte-hotel
in an old isolated farm restored from its ruins. We admire the chimney and the
objects of yesteryear displayed everywhere. Bread and fouace are baked on-site in
the old oven. The gastronomic journey continues, and our wine culture
is enriched as well! To deserve all this, those who wish come with me
to Nasbinals, 2.5 kilometers away, to admire the granite village and its small
Romanesque church. The 24 km covered and 660 meters climbed that day still leave
six participants desiring more; an aperitif in the village will be the
The fog has dressed the land overnight. Nourished by fouace and homemade jams at breakfast, we set off at a good pace for this nearly flat stage of 23 kilometers to Aumont-Aubrac, far to the east of the massif. The basalt disappears as more and more erratic blocks decorate the pastures. We head towards the Land of Peyre, the land of stone. The stone walls become omnipresent, creating lines that disappear into the fog; large rounded granite blocks worn by erosion emerge from the opacity; we are engulfed in the middle of nowhere in a fantastical land.
The very few villages crossed are deserted; the houses spaced apart are mere figures of stone frozen and condemned to face the time that consumes them slowly... Even the fence posts and the work to shoe the oxen, often accompanied by the communal oven and the watering trough, are made of granite ready to wait for eternity for the return of men.
The Romans left granite markers along their roads so that the path would not get lost, but it has wandered, and the scattered markers blend with the stones. A small stone bridge crosses a lazy river because here Aubrac is flat; it eventually joins somewhere the Bès, the only watercourse draining to the north from the great plateau, responding to the steep boraldes to the south on the other side of the summit ridge of Aubrac. This vast and flat slope to the northeast explains the rigors of this place where nothing stops the wind.
men have remained here; the land seems autonomous, drunk with
air and infinity, allowing only the mineral world of granite
to dwell under its sky and for the cows to enjoy
their freedom in the summer. The fog suits it well; the stones and cows
emerge from it, the walls seem to get lost, and so do our minds. This is how I
prefer this land, for the power it gives to touch in
the escape, for this gift offered to freedom... And I
hope, and I believe my companions on the road felt it too.
The fog lifts as we approach the Land of Peyre around Aumont-Aubrac. Forests of Scots pines with salmon-colored trunks have succeeded the pastures and welcome our picnic. Afterwards, the civilized world returns, with farms and cultivated fields; dairy breeds are raised here, but also Charolais crosses for beef and horses.
Arriving in the town is disconcerting with the highway and the railway, but we can console ourselves by saying that we can't have everything, and that this road connecting Aubrac to Paris in 5 hours is also a boon for the region. It is early when we arrive and after settling into the gîte, I had thought this shorter stage in the middle of the journey would be welcome for individual rest, for postcards or errands since until now we had hardly crossed any open shops. In reality, the group is now united, and while I accompany Gisèle to find fruit at a supermarket a few kilometers away, the grocery store being closed, the others tour the village together. We find them in a small bar frequented by locals happy to talk to us about local life.
The first droplets of a storm, whose clouds had progressively transformed the brilliantly blue sky, fall as we return to the gîte. It is an old farm simply fitted out with basic but charming comfort; the dining room is in what used to be the stable, where the milking machine and a yoke still proudly stand. We will have a joyful dinner in the company of walkers from the Way of Saint James to Compostela.
The evening lesson is: "Oh you, poison of Saint
James, you who trouble our reason, you say nothing, miserable. So you are
guilty. Off you go, into prison!" With these words, we toast with
our neighbors!Another pilgrim spotted near the
church had taken a more difficult option but perhaps more in line with ancient times;
he was preparing to sleep outdoors despite the rain and was busy
treating his sore feet. This encounter leads Magali to ponder the
foundation of walking and the relationship between
pleasure and effort, even suffering. Some among us also
suffer a little from this aspect of the journey, fortunately without much severity;
the first aid kit proves useful. In the evening, I go out to observe the sky.
The full moon shines in the damp air. Tomorrow, the day will be beautiful.
From Aumont-Aubrac to Fournels
On this
Thursday, the fourth day of this journey, a quick-lifting morning mist decorates
the landscape less typical with its play with the sun. Cultivated lands,
hilly, alternate with pine forests. On the fences, spider webs
soaked with dew sparkle between the barbed wires as the sun finishes
dispersing the last layers of fog. One of the constructing insects
is a spider with a large, colorful abdomen; Jean-Michel will capture its
labyrinthine work in a picture.
We walk along dirt paths and sometimes
a bit of asphalt. The granite farms succeed each other with neighboring
modern buildings, the pastures are interspersed with autumn plowing
already begun. Dairy farming predominates; there is a small
dairy in Aumont.
We also pass groups of bales of wrapped forage
in plastic film, of which our photographer manages to create
artistic photographic works! A mill on the Rimeize, a small stream,
reminds us that hydraulic power was for a long time the only
energy available to drive any semblance of a motor. We observe the
weir, the diversion channels that passed under the mill, driving a wheel connected
to the millstone above.
Here, I don't know, but mills have often been part of the life of
a country since time immemorial. Their use dates back to before the
Christian era and the Romans, for example, used vertical wheel mills. I
neglected to mention them when we were in the boralde of Saint-Chely-d’Aubrac, but
there their concentration was astonishing; the history of their transmission over the
generations and the regulations concerning the duties and rights of the miller
towards the population and the local nobility is edifying.
In Fau-de-Peyre, we admire the church and its characteristic comb-shaped bell tower. It is missing a bell, and we will learn the explanation for this in the afternoon at La Fage Saint-Julien from a local. The bell towers often lost one or two during wars when they were requisitioned to be melted down into cannons in the 19th century. From here, we continue; we had left the pines for grassy meadows bordered by oaks, ashes, with occasional apple trees and even chestnut trees, and now we return to the heights of Truc de l’Homme (Truc is a name frequently given here to summits) at nearly 1274 meters, a path bordered by gorse that will lead us into the conifers for a lunch break.
There are first Scots pines, then further along mainly Douglas fir plantations, but we also encounter spruces, larch, and even young larches and a few rare broadleaf trees. On a very green mossy carpet, fly agarics stand out, as well as other unknown white mushrooms; Marc observes them closely. Already, we had passed by some giant puffballs, field mushrooms, and inedible boletes, as well as pine porcini and mushroom hunters!
As we depart, a viper wants to
oppose our passage. In the afternoon, crossing La Fage Saint-Julien and Termes allows
us to admire beautiful stone buildings; in this rather mild region
accessible from the city of Saint-Chély D’Apcher, they are
well restored.
The church of
Termes is on a promontory, which we reach under the completely blue sky. From
there, we can see the entire chain of the Plomb du Cantal, the Monts de la Margeride,
and the Aubrac masked by Le Truc de l’Homme. Below, the valley of the Bès can be glimpsed, and closer is the valley where we will find
Fournels, our stopping point for the day after 24 kilometers and less than 500 meters of
elevation gain. A local improvises as a guide
to detail all this to Magali, Jean-Michel, Laurent, and me, who have perched
on the belvedere and fill our eyes with the spectacle.
The last steps down are quickly taken,
we have the gîte all to ourselves, and Philippe lights the
fireplace with the wood provided by the caretaker for this purpose. This large
granite fireplace is very pleasant for conviviality around a honey punch
bought during the day from a beekeeper.
We dine "Chez Tintin," the warden of the gîte whose small restaurant room
adjacent to a similarly small bar is perfumed by the
warm welcome and cuisine of our host.
For 65 francs, we will enjoy a real worker's meal: homemade vegetable soup, composed salad with fricandeau to your heart's content, lentils flavored with salted pork with a slice of local beef, regional cheeses, chocolate éclair, and the master of the place does everything himself, cooking, serving, and chatting with the regulars at the bar, a place to recommend.
As we leave, we enter the church,
at the door of our gîte, it is open in the middle of the night in this
quiet town of 400 souls! Before the fire, we do not miss the ritual herbal tea
that has punctuated all our days since the first day.
And tonight, we need to de-dramatize the big stage of tomorrow; Philippe, who has a
topo-guide, has frightened the morale of the troops! In the evening, when the fires are
out, I study the map and possibilities; until now, I have never
made us follow the marked route in full as desired
initially to show what I wanted of Aubrac, the time allocated, and the daily state
of our legs. But tomorrow, it was planned, and even with shortcuts, the
stage will be long, 31 kilometers with 600 meters of cumulative climbs.
We are already
at the penultimate day. The departure is barely more early than
usual; around 8:30 a.m., it is reasonable, we leave the scattered houses
of the village and its comb-shaped bell tower. This route first leads us on a small
detour to the north, towards the start of the gorges of the Bès at Saint-Juery, a symbolic
tiny paved road goes up then down along the stream of the Bédaule.
We cross several mills, one of which is under restoration. A path then
leads to Saint Juéry, which can only be observed from the bends of the road above.
I would like to go down and see the Bès more closely, the bridge and the
historical cross, but I don’t believe the group wants to extend the distance.
So we continue at a good pace; the path goes through coniferous woods
interspersed with meadows where the view opens up. We catch a glimpse of Chauchailles and Chauchaillette, two villages whose names had
fascinated Jean-Michel, who, knowing the area, had already talked about them to me in Toulouse!
The "Old Road" before arriving at Cheylaret is quite charming, scattered with
leaves under the beeches, ready to show the grass reclaiming its rights.
Jean-Pierre peels the beech nuts to extract the akene and eat it.
It is true that in the past they made oil from it, so it is edible.
Ants are edible too! We cross several anthills in
these areas, one of which is taller than us! I know that you can eat
the abdomen with a vinegar taste of these insects, but I am not ready to
demonstrate that!
The Cheylaret rock is a lava table several dozen meters long that towers at 1128 meters near La Chaldette. This village, as its name indicates, has a hot spring, and these two elements testify that Aubrac has had and still has connections with the heart of the Earth.
At Cheylaret, the inhabitants have renovated the
livestock watering troughs and the fountain where everyone used to fetch water before
running water arrived, as well as the granite work and the communal oven that was
common for the whole village in this part of Aubrac, sheltered at the back of a
stone cabin.
We will see this organization in the following villages:
work, oven where you enter by pushing a door leading to a
room with two lateral stone benches and the oven door at the
back. These elements are located in what is considered the village square. In Cheylaret, it is simply a cleared space.
There is also a stone cross since, in the absence of a church, this place was the
spiritual center of the village. An explanatory panel recalls the essential function
of this place, now deserted and scarcely noticeable; fairs were held
there in what is now just a small crossroads near
a pleasant fountain for a meal stop.
Coffee will be taken at La Chaldette, a few kilometers further. The hot spring I knew flowing into an old washhouse has been completely recovered into a brand-new thermal center. However, you can still access it during the summer opening period, but in winter, the locals no longer have access to their hot spring, as one of them tells us. Some of us will taste this sulfurous water used notably in weight-loss treatments, which we laugh about as we drink for those who have preferred to stay on the café terrace! The tepid water gushes from three small streams in a modernly designed fountain in a building of the same style, smelling strongly of a well-known hospital odor!
Here in the heart of Aubrac, in a village that counts
only two hotels, a café-restaurant, and two or three
houses, sometimes inaccessible in winter, healthcare personnel works! But
the old washhouse remains desperately dry... After being relieved of some pine
porcini found in the morning and given to two amateur spa-goers, we leave the
"relative civilization" and Le Bès to reach the summer pastures, with their reddish inhabitants,
one of whom wants to block our passage; we must run to pass her by in the
heath. There is nothing left but the sky, the gently curving lands, the cows,
and us, and this solitude is a delight; the thoughtful group forgets the
distance. Above us soars a buzzard, whose gliding in the air carries us
even further away, higher.
I have not
mentioned the birds, but every day offers an opportunity to observe
raptors, buzzards, kites, or falcons. Other small birds accompany us
with their diverse songs. We even found a young one on the edge of the path the
day before. This path in the desert connects to two small hamlets, whose
astonished inhabitants confirm that we are indeed on a shortcut to
A descent into the mountains and here is the road that crosses Le Bès, joining a larger one, and we
arrive in the cantonal village. This is the third and
final department we will get to know after Aveyron and Lozère. They
connect their three bishops and regions at the Cross of the Three Bishops,
right in the heart of Aubrac.
The village reveals houses made from a mix of granite
and basalt; the traces of volcanism are indeed very present
all around with dykes, stone fields, and basalt organs. Granite
is used for the surrounds of windows and doors while basalt is
more commonly used inside the walls.
The hotelier in charge of the reserved gîte leads us to a small house that he has furnished on the entire first floor with pine and mountain objects between an insert and a mezzanine. It almost feels like an alpine chalet... To properly situate ourselves, it’s best to try the aperitif I am promoting based on Aubrac tea or calament, now alcoholic, as herbal tea after dinner.
Speaking of plants, the season is not ideal.
We can only mention the fields of daffodils and their use in
perfumery, the great gentian harvested here for the making of
aperitif, the yellow stretches adorned with jonquils, carnivorous plants,
martagon lilies, and other ornaments of Aubrac during more
favorable seasons. However, we encountered a few buttercups,
senecios, yarrow, white clover, lion's tooth, hawkweed, lotier, gorse,
carnations, autumn colchic to distinguish from the more harmless autumn
saffron, veronicas, heather, and scabious...
more insignificant plants, but still blooming at times.
What our restaurateur found is much more gratifying; on the restaurant table
sits a magnificent 570-gram Bordeaux porcini mushroom! We are
going to eat it, but not this one, with aligot for our last night while
discussing fishing around the world, as our host is a true enthusiast and
the dining room is a genuine museum.
A digestive night walk will then lead some to the top of the "donjon"
to admire, as a farewell, the night sky of Aubrac. I even go outside
at four in the morning, awakened by the stifling warmth inside, and it’s the
roar of a stag heard from the village that says goodbye to me.
Saturday is
our last day. As if it were a farewell, we climb the same steps
as the day before for one last contemplative view of Saint-Urcize, going from the gray
of the tiles to the greens of the earth and the blues of the sky. The stage is
intentionally short so that there is time to stroll in
Laguiole, our final destination before we head home. We will cover 17
kilometers with negligible elevation gain. Unfortunately, a tendonitis prevents
Philippe from joining us on foot; he will, however, be with us several times
for the picnic since he joins us by car. This
last stage is enjoyable as it keeps us long in the
almost mythical spaces of the place, even allowing us to reach a final
belvedere of contemplation at 1342 meters above the woods of Laguiole.
Herds moo as we pass; they
sense that the descent is near for them too. We climb
over some obstacles by crossing fences, watching for a fall in the last
glowing beech woods, where hoof prints mark the ground;
there are also hunters; while having lunch, we see them return
empty-handed with satisfaction!
At the edge of
the woods, we have emerged into the last pastures at the limits of
Aubrac, which is coming to an end, just like our journey in the Aveyron city. This one,
perhaps its capital, looms in the distance at the edges of the
horizon while we share one last picnic, still accompanied by
wine-tasting experiences; we have never failed in this thanks to
Yannick, of course, but with moderation! But it’s the fouace of Saint Urcize
that I believe gets the last word in this final sharing. Only a road remains
to descend to reach Laguiole, its knives, its bull, its cheese... Here, our
destinies part. Is this the end or a beginning?
From the space,
we descend back to our lives, perhaps open to other dimensions... And then
Aubrac is immutable and always awaits us with its colors and
infinite multiples to test us and enrich us...
I hope that our itinerary, our efforts, and our shared looks will have allowed everyone to love these mountains, to which I owe so much, to have the desire to return or to explore other places, to make other encounters with the humble and serene gaze conveyed by this Aubrac. This was for me a deep experience well beyond the preparation and logistical support, in the search for immersion in the soul of a country, sharing a certain perspective, listening to the journey of the group and each one in these spaces... I would like this to foreshadow other upcoming trips with the refinement of that touch... A sweet music and the space in images fill my heart every time I think of these mountains. Let yourself be carried away into the life of this land... Catherine Revel
Former holiday hotel with a garden along the Allier, L'Etoile Guest House is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche, and the Cevennes in the mountains of Southern France. At the crossroads of GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson Path, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane Way, GR®470 Allier River springs and gorges, GRP® Cevenol, Ardechoise Mountains, Margeride. Numerous loop trails for hiking and one-day biking excursions. Ideal for a relaxing and hiking getaway.