Diashow der Austausche zwischen GastwirtenDiapositiva de los intercambios entre posaderosDiaporama degli scambi tra albergatoriΠροβολή διαφανειών των ανταλλαγών μεταξύ ξενοδόχων

Slideshow of exchanges between innkeepers

幻灯片 旅馆业主之间的交流Diaporama des échanges entre aubergistesСлайд-шоу обменов между владельцами тавернDiavoorstelling van uitwisselingen tussen herbergiers


L'Etoile Guesthouse

Former resort hotel with a garden on the banks of the Allier, L'Étoile Guesthouse is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent, nestled between Lozère, Ardèche, and the Cévennes in the mountains of Southern France. Positioned at the crossroads of GR®7, GR®70 Chemin Stevenson, GR®72, GR®700 Voie Régordane (Saint Gilles), GR®470 Sources and Gorges of the Allier, GRP® Cévenol, Montagne Ardéchoise, and Margeride. It offers numerous loop routes for hiking and day-long cycling excursions. Ideal for a relaxing stay.
