L'Etoile Guest house in La Bastide-Puylaurent in Lozere

Hiking and stay at L’Etoile Guest House

Randonnées et séjour à L'Etoile Maison d'hôtes徒步旅行并入住L'Etoile招待所Поход и проживание в гостевом доме Л’Этуаль
Hiking and stay at L’Etoile Guest House 1

Finiels, highest point of Mont LozèreLast weekend marked the annual outing of the hiking association, “Les Belettes”. The destination of choice was La Bastide-Puylaurent in Lozère. Over the course of three days, the Weasels discovered grandiose panoramas and untouched wilderness, with dwellings being extremely rare.

Hiking and stay at L’Etoile Guest House 2On Friday, a loop route of approximately twelve kilometers (or twenty for the more experienced) introduced the group to the surroundings of La Bastide-Puylaurent. The circuits traced several long-distance trails: GR®7, GR®72, and the GR®70, also known as the Stevenson trail.

After a day under the sun, the walkers returned to their accommodation, the “L’Etoile” lodge in La Bastide-Puylaurent. A hearty meal awaited them, featuring unlimited homemade soup, fresh oven-baked bread, wine from Notre Dame des Neiges Abbey, mixed salads accompanied by quiches, leg of lamb and gratin dauphinois, regional cheese, and a warm rhubarb tart served on small boards. The meal concluded with an infusion of verbena from Puy en Velay. Following dinner, the men volunteered to assist with the dishes while the women helped with the service.

After a restful night and a substantial breakfast, the walkers boarded the bus back towards Bleymard. Following the Stevenson trail, one group reached the Mont Lozère chalet on foot, while the others arrived by bus. From there, all the hikers ascended towards Finiels, the highest point of Mont Lozère (1699m), guided by the tall Montjoie stones. At the summit, snacks were enjoyed against the backdrop of a splendid 360° panorama. However, an impending storm prompted the walkers to descend back to the coach.

Our Lady of the Snows AbbeyTo conclude the day, a brief detour to the “Notre Dame des Neiges” abbey offered a chance to quench their thirst. Those who still had energy left walked back to the L’Etoile guest house. The Abbey is situated 3km from La Bastide, on the Ardèche side. The GR®72 and the GR®7 share a common path until La Trappe, after which they diverge at the Col de la Croix du Pal. The GR®72 descends to St Laurent les Bains, while the GR®7 follows the ridge to Le Bez.

The medieval village of La Garde-GuérinDespite the shortened night due to the village festival, both young and old managed to follow a portion of the Voie Régordane GR®700 on Sunday morning. This ancient Roman road, used for the transport of goods and the transhumance of herds, winds through the Cévennes, linking Alès to the Bastide via Chamborigaud, Génolhac, Villefort, Prévencheres, and the Col du Thort.

Upon reaching the Chassezac belvedere, everyone was awestruck by the splendor of the site, with a view overlooking the impressive gorges. A tourist visit to Garde-Guérin, a magnificent listed village with its slate-roofed houses clustered around the old castle and the Auberge Régordane, was also included. La Garde-Guérin is conveniently located between Villefort and Prévéchés on the D906.

The planned swim at Lake Naussac (1000ha), above Langogne, was canceled due to the low water level. As a substitute, the bus made a small detour via Lake Issarlès (a former volcano) towards Mt Mézenc. With the temperature no longer conducive for swimming, the travelers opted for a leisurely walk around the lake.

The return journey to La Bastide-Puylaurent passed through Coucouron, the Peyrebeille inn, Lanarce, the Col de la Chavade, Le Bez, St Etienne de Lugdarès, and Luc, where we left Ardèche for Lozère, crossing the Allier.

The return journey was filled with songs and laughter, with a special mention for the song composed by the chief magistrate of the commune, which listed all the names of the participants. Despite being somewhat exhausted by these three eventful days, the travelers returned to their homes, cherishing the fond memories of the time spent together.


L'Etoile Guest-House between Cevennes, Ardeche and Lozere in the South of France

Old romantic Hotel, L'Etoile Guest-House is a mountain retreat in the South of France. With a beautiful park along the Allier River, L'Etoile Guesthouse is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche and Cevennes. Many hiking trails like GR®7, GR®70Stevenson trail, GR®72, GR®700Regordane way, Cevenol, GR®470 Allier river, Margeride. Many hiking loops. The right place to relax.
